T-Cut Hreinsisett/leir

Frá Tetrosyl - Vörunúmer: TECLB106

8.995 kr

T-Cut Hreinsisett/leir

T-Cut Clay Bar Kit creates a smooth as glass, mirror-like finish on all paintwork, fibreglass and metal surfaces and increases the depth of shine when waxing or polishing. Every minute of every day, vehicle paintwork is under attack from harmful surface contaminants such as road grime, tree sap, surface oxidation, bug residue, industrial pollution and other paint contaminants. Washing removes the soft contaminants but does little to reduce the impact of stubborn, embedded contamination. By waxing over these contaminants, they are simply sealed in where they continue to do harm. This kit contains a special blend of the lubricants and materials needed to remove surface contamination from paint and leaves your vehicle’s finish clean and super smooth. Claying is car cleanings best kept secret and it makes a really big difference to how your cars paintwork looks and feels.

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